Giving2Grow is a Giving Circle.
What is a Giving Circle? A Giving Circle is a group of people who get together, pool their resources, and decide collectively where to contribute those resources, often money, to help support causes or communities.
In the case of Giving2Grow, several Pittsburgh women decided to get together to use their combined resources to help others in the community. After lots of research, founding members decided to focus on supporting organizations that address food insecurity and hunger among children in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Giving2Grow members firmly believe that local on-the-ground organizations know what is needed in their communities and how best to meet those needs. Our mission is to support the work of these organizations so that they can help more people.
Through our combined efforts, Giving2Grow members have contributed to the work of fifteen regional organizations.
What do Giving2Grow women like best about their involvement?
- It’s very transparent; your vote helps decide where 100% of your money is going.
- It’s apolitical and non-denominational.
- You can be as involved in the circle as your time allows, even if it’s just paying your yearly membership dues.
In times that are characterized by big problems, lots of shouting and arguing about what to do about the problems, and 24/7 news cycles of negativity, our work through Giving2Grow lets us be a part of finding positive solutions to local problems, leading to real, today results. Let us know if you would like more information about how to become a member of Giving2Grow or if you would like to apply for a grant to support your organization.