Grant  Recipient Report

Visit the website links below to learn more about our grant recipients’ projects.

Feed Our Students

Organization’s Mission:  to combat food insecurity in school children and improve students’ learning by providing weekend meals.

Program Description/Goals:  Backpacks of food, containing 6 meals each, are provided every weekend during the school year.  They include items that are easy to prepare and shelf-stable, including milk, juice and fruit cups.  These weekend meals give the students the proper nutrition they need and allows them to concentrate on their school work, and not on being hungry.

United Methodist Church Union

Note:  G2G funded Kids Meal Network in 2017

Organization’s Mission:  to transform communities, lives, and hearts.

Program Description/Goals:  Kids Meal Network provides free, nutritious hot meals for vulnerable children in Greater Pittsburgh during the out-of-school summer months when kids from underprivileged and economically-challenged home environments are at risk of going hungry.  KMN plans to expand into new neighborhoods, increase days at existing sites, add arts programs to even more locations and continue to serve appealing and nutritious meals to kids who’d otherwise likely go without a hot meal and go hungry.  KMN also provides a safe haven and refuge for children from volatile and unstable home environments.  Their locations provide fun and stimulating activities for the kids.

Whitehall Presbyterian Church

Organization’s Mission:  The mission of Whitehall Church is to love and worship the one True God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We strive to love and support all people and to testify to the Good News of Jesus Christ in our own community and in the Greater Community around us.

Program Description/Goals:  Each week during the school year, volunteers from Whitehall Presbyterian Church purchase, coordinate, supply and deliver individual bags of food for kindergarten and first grade students in a local grade school; they intend to grow the program to include another.  These children all qualify for Federal Free and Reduced lunch program.  The bag of food includes nutritional food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and snacks that a young child can prepare and eat by themselves.