In February 2018, Jennifer McDowell, G2G president, was approached by Katie Mannarino of Blue Sky Closing Services. In 2014, Katie’s daughters were 10 and 15; they spent one memorable weekend lamenting that they had no more weddings to attend in the near future. Katie started thinking. What she came up with was a Mom Prom – an opportunity for women of all ages to go to a prom, complete with dinner, DJ, and a photo booth! This one, though, would spotlight a local charitable organization that benefits local children and/or women. She, and Blue Sky Closing Services, are not a charity; rather Katie’s intention is to spotlight charities and giving circles like ours. Invitations are sent by Katie to a growing list of friends, associates, and local businesses. Ticket proceeds, minus the cost of the event, shared with Katie, all go to the spotlighted organization!! Their responsibilities are to attend and to act as the “treasurer” of the event.
Katie heard about Giving2Grow from an associate of Ruth Foltz who described G2G as a good candidate to be the beneficiary in May of 2018 at the DoubleTree in Greentree, and so we were! Over the Mother’s Day weekend, Joyce Salls, Julia McDowell, Jennifer McDowell, Karen Ashby, and Kathy Noorbakhsh put on their finest, rolled up their dress sleeves, picked up desserts and auction items, manned the reception and auction ticket tables, and just generally partied with mothers and daughters of all ages.
If you’d like to receive more information about Mom Prom, please let us know.